I have two SQL Server tables with Primary Keys (PK) and a Foreign Key (FK) linking the two tables:
1) Table "Order"
OrderID, int, PK
AddressID, int, FK
2) Table "Address"
AddressID, int, PK
City, nvarchar(50)
Then I've created an (ADO.NET) Entity Data Model out of those two tables. Now on my (ASP.NET) webpage I put a GridView with an EntityDataSource. In my GridView I want to display two columns:
- OrderID
- City (belonging to that order and linked by the AddressID-key)
How can I do that? My problem is: When I configure the Entity Data Source I can select an "EntitySetName" which can be either "Order" or "Address" but not both, nor can I select any kind of relationship. If I select "Order" as EntitySetName then in the GridView I can add the columns
- OrderID
- Address
- Address.AddressID
Adding the column "Address" displays empty cells. Adding "OrderID" and "Address.AddressID" displays the expected IDs. But how can I add the "City" of the related address to my GridView?
Thank you for help in advance!
Edit: Clarification:
The Entity Framework has created a class "Order" and a class "Address" corresponding to the database tables. The class "Order" has a reference to an "Address" object as a navigation property, corresponding to the 1-n relationship between Address and Order table.
Basically I want to have a column in my GridView which displays Order.Address.City. I have tried to add a bound field with "Address.City" as data field to the GridView but it results in a runtime error ("no such property...").