



I've got build server running CruiseControl.NET and recently it started throwing this error on one of my projects (.NET 2.0, C#):

MSB3176: Specified minimum required version is greater than the current publish version. Please specify a version less than or equal to the current publish version. in Microsoft.Common.targets(2238, 9)

I've search the net, but could not find a solution.

Any suggestions?

+2  A: 

Check the properties of your project. The version numbers are on the 'publish' tab. You should compare the publish version with the minimum version ('Updates' button).


The project properties have a publish version (on the Publish tab), and an (optional) minimum version (on the Updates button on the Publish tab). Neither is related to any assembly version, and is just used for ClickOnce. If a minimum version is specified, it must be logical (i.e. not higher than the main version).

In the csproj, this is the ApplicationVersion/ApplicationRevision and MinimumRequiredVersion elements.

Marc Gravell

Mark, thank you for your response. I was building a tool to do builds of SLN and CSPROJ files programatically, and one of the projects uses ClickOnce with a minimum version. I was able to have my tool read the .csproj file and update the value inside ApplicationVersion to a version value higher than the minimum and it was then able to compile the project. I'd vote up, but my reputation isn't high enough.

David J B