



I have styled a window to replace the standard Chrome and I want to handle the Activated and Deactivated events using EventSetters. I get an error "...'Activated' must be a RoutedEvent registered..." with this:

  <EventSetter Event="Activated" Handler="Window_Activated"/>

However, this works fine in the same style.

  <EventSetter Event="Loaded" Handler="Window_Loaded"/>

Anyone run across this or know what's up?


<Style x:Key="Window_Cartesia" TargetType="{x:Type Window}">

  <Setter Property="WindowStyle" Value="None"/>
  <Setter Property="AllowsTransparency" Value="True"/>

  <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"/>

  <EventSetter Event="Loaded" Handler="Loaded"/>

  <EventSetter Event="Activated" Handler="Window_Activated"/>

  <EventSetter Event="KeyDown" Handler="KeyDown"/>



This seems to cover it.

Defined in the Loaded event:

AddHandler Win.Activated, AddressOf Activated
AddHandler Win.Deactivated, AddressOf Deactivated

Because this is code behind for a style, I need an instance reference which is Win. I don't know if this is the best way to accomplish this but...


Alternatively, a trigger for IsActive to handle it in xaml.

<Trigger Property="IsActive" Value="True">
+1  A: 

Could you paste your complete style declaration? There might be an issue with the style's target type. Loaded is defined on a FrameworkElement whilst Activated is defined on a Window. Try setting TargetType={x:Type Window} as an attribute in the style element.

Edit: Activated is not a routed event. Therefore it is not possible to use it in your style. Alternatively, you could subscribe to this event in code behind.

Thanks olli. The rest is the template and triggers.
Well, that explains that. Thank you!