Is there anybody who knows the history of appearance of Ctrl-Enter hotkey which means "Send"? It is pretty "classic" now. I remember that for the first time I've met that hotkey in ICQ 99, but now almost every IM have such hotkey and many popular social networking sites. Some time ago I was surprised that in the "Commit" dialog of eclipse IDE that hotkey also available with the same meaning.
I think Ctrl-Enter doesn't mean "Send". It means, "double-click", or "do the default".
John Saunders
2010-02-18 04:30:43
Yeah, after playing with that hotkey in several dialogs of different applications I've found that you're probably right.
Dmitriy Matveev
2010-03-03 09:10:41
In email clients Ctrl-Enter
was the shorcut for finish-editing-and-send. I remember using it in Microsoft Internet Mail and News back in Win95 days. Probably Mirabilis copied it for ICQ and others copied from ICQ.
Carlos Gutiérrez
2010-02-18 04:30:58