



This may be a simple fix - but I'm trying to sum together all the nodes (Size property from the Node class) on the binary search tree. Below in my BST class I have the following so far, but it returns 0:

    private long sum(Node<T> thisNode)
        if (thisNode.Left == null && thisNode.Right == null)
            return 0;
        if (node.Right == null)
            return sum(thisNode.Left);
        if (node.Left == null) 
            return sum(thisNode.Right);

        return sum(thisNode.Left) + sum(thisNode.Right);

Within my Node class I have Data which stores Size and Name in their given properties. I'm just trying to sum the entire size. Any suggestions or ideas?

+1  A: 

Maybe you meant

    if (thisNode.Left == null && thisNode.Right == null)
        return thisNode.Size;


Vinko Vrsalovic
+2  A: 

It's because you're returning zero when you reach a leaf node. You should be returning the size stored in that leaf node.

In addition, if your non-leaf nodes also have a size, you'll need to process them as well thus:

private long sum(Node<T> thisNode)
    if (thisNode.Left == null && thisNode.Right == null)
        return thisNode.Size;
    if (node.Right == null)
        return thisNode.Size + sum(thisNode.Left);
    if (node.Left == null) 
        return thisNode.Size + sum(thisNode.Right);
    return thisNode.Size + sum(thisNode.Left) + sum(thisNode.Right);

If your non-leaf nodes don't have size, use:

private long sum(Node<T> thisNode)
    if (thisNode.Left == null && thisNode.Right == null)
        return thisNode.Size;
    if (node.Right == null)
        return sum(thisNode.Left);
    if (node.Left == null) 
        return sum(thisNode.Right);
    return sum(thisNode.Left) + sum(thisNode.Right);

A more elegant version of the first one is:

private long sum(Node<T> thisNode)
    if (thisNode == null)
        return 0;
    return thisNode.Size + sum(thisNode.Left) + sum(thisNode.Right);
The Node class doesn't contain Size property - instead it's located in another class I call and instantiate on the Form.For example on the form I would have: NameAndSize obj_NS = new NameAndSize("Name", 320);then in the form I'd call sum() to be returning the total of all objects Size.
Then how do you expect the sum to magically appear? Cant' you access the size property containing object from the node?
Vinko Vrsalovic
You were right... obviously it can't be accessed, so I just made some small modifications and got it!
+1  A: 

How about

private long Sum(Node<T> thisNode)
  if( thisNode == null )
    return 0;

  return thisNode.Size + Sum(thisNode.Left) + Sum(thisNode.Right);

If the size property isn't on the node itself, what about this?

    public class Node<T>
        public T Data;
        public Node<T> Left;
        public Node<T> Right;

        public static void ForEach(Node<T> root, Action<T> action)

            if (root.Left != null)
                ForEach(root.Left, action);
            if (root.Right != null)
                ForEach(root.Right, action);

    public interface IHasSize
        long Size { get; }

    public static long SumSize<T>(Node<T> root) where T : IHasSize
        long sum = 0;
        Node<T>.ForEach(root, delegate(T item)
            sum += item.Size;
        return sum;
Andrew Kennan
+1  A: 

Try this:

    private long sum(Node<T> thisNode)
        if (thisNode == null)
            return 0;
        return thisNode.Size + sum(thisNode.Left) + sum(thisNode.Right);

The only "value" that the original code ever returns is 0 - that's why the result is always 0.


I got it... I created an interface to return the Size.

Thanks everyone!
