



I looking for a good image manipulation library/utility for using in .Net based application.

What I need it to do?

  • Reduce the size of the image, by supplying a width value. but save the look of the image.
  • Reduce the weight of the image, by optimizing it to web suffering.

The following thing are a good plus:

  • Add a watermark to the image, both with (x,y) coordinates, or relative manner, like: center, bottom-left etc.
  • Supporting as many formats as possible, and converting the pictures from format to format.
  • Detect if a .gif file is animated image or regular one. If it is, support resizing animated pictures too is needed.

I know this is a lot of features, but in my opinion all of them are needed in today's websites, so I'm looking for a good one at least to be existed...

Edit: after that I experienced ImageMagick.Net wrapper, I can say that this is NOT ready library for production.

Do we have any more options?

+1  A: 

There are a few of them

  1. CoolWatermark
  2. ImageDraw

You can have a look at Aforge

There is a Image processing namespace.

I only used the motion detction routines, but this was a good solid library.

Hope this helps

This library is for research and learning purpose more then for production sites. And it does not doing the things that I want it to to.
+1  A: 

ImageMagick has been around for a while. It has a .net wrapper called MagickNet

It's even got its own Stack Overflow tag

I found a few links for it:

Code Plex seems to be the most active

Christian Payne
+1 I know Imagemagick can do almost everything on that list. Not sure about resizing animated GIFs (I know it can create them)
I'll take a look on it.
Why MagickNet site is marked as fishing site according to ABP?
Is the above project same as
ImageMagick have a very poor .net wrapper :(

Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft

Our product, DotImage, can do this. You'd need DotImage Photo to do it

If you download and install an evaluation copy, we'll take you to a page where you can request a custom demo. A link to this question would suffice for a spec.

Lou Franco
I looking for an open source solution.
And I don't sure I understand you correctly.