i created an asp.net website with visual studio 2008 sp1 and in the code i use sql connection to reach a data base in my sql server 2008. it all wiorks great but then i wanted to deploy the website in iis7 (windows 7) which was hell to discover how to do it- ( i added a virtual directory and converted it to an application and only then it didn't show me the error that i was getting before i copied it to inetpub\wwwroot and converted it to an application).after doing it i tried to run it from the iis7 but it just keeps showing me an error that it gets in the command sqlconnection.open() which works great when i run the website from the visual studio- so how do i resove this?
i am using the following connection string: "Data SourceEDI-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SyncMaster;Integrated Security=True"
and my iis7 is on the same computer as the sql server- so what exextly do i have to do to make it work?