




Say I have 3 tables. Table1 contains client_id and client_name. Table2 contains client_id, client_catid_1, and client_catid_2. These to tables are joined based on the, client_id. Now the third table, contains category_id and category_name. How can join the third table based on the category id's and get the category_name? example:

Table 1:

client_id | client_name
121231231 | Some name
345234666 | Another Name

Table 2:

client_id | client_catid_1 | client_catid_2
121231231 | 22             | 79
345234666 | 34             | 566

Table 3:

category_id | category_name
22          | category 22
34          | category 34
79          | category 79
566         | category 566

Then the output:

client_id | client_name | client_cat1 | client_cat2
121231231 | Some name   | category 22 | category 79
345234666 | Another     | category 34 | category 566

And the current query:

SELECT client.*,
cat1id.client_catid_1 as cat1,
cat2id.client_catid_2 as cat2
FROM tb_clients AS client
LEFT JOIN tb_clients_categories cat1id ON client.client_id = cat1id.client_id
LEFT JOIN tb_clients_categories cat2id ON client.client_id = cat2id.client_id
WHERE client.client_id = 65447

Also, I am not asking about database normalization or design. I only say this because people tend to miss your question and start trying to inform you of better database design. I understand this. I am working with something I did not originally put together and changing the DB is not an option!

Thanks in advance!

+5  A: 


   SELECT a.client_id,
          c1.category_name AS client_cat1,
          c2.category_name AS client_cat2
     FROM tb_clients a
LEFT JOIN tb_clients_categories b ON b.client_id = a.client_id
LEFT JOIN TABLE C c1 ON c1.category_id = b.client_catid_1
LEFT JOIN TABLE C c2 ON c2.category_id = b.client_catid_2
    WHERE c1.category_name = 'Something' 
       -- because you can't refer to a column (client_cat1) alias in the WHERE

That will give you a list of clients, and optionally their category names. If a relationship does not exist between tb_clients_categories and tb_clients, the client name will still appear and the client_cat1 and client_cat2 will be null. If you don't want this, remove the LEFT keyword on the JOINs for only clients with two categories associated to appear in the output.

OMG Ponies
This is perfect but one question... Is it possible to say: WHERE client_cat1 = 'Something' ?
@mike: By your command! :)
OMG Ponies
PERFECT! Thats what had me stumped. I kept getting "unkown column". Thanks!
@mike: You can refer to a column alias in the `ORDER BY`, but not typically anywhere else... unless this is a subquery.
OMG Ponies
+1  A: 
SELECT client.*,
cat1id.client_catid_1 as cat1,
cat1id.client_catid_2 as cat2,
FROM tb_clients AS client
LEFT JOIN tb_clients_categories cat1id ON client.client_id = cat1id.client_id
LEFT JOIN category cat1 ON category.cat_id = cat1id.client_catid_1
LEFT JOIN category cat2 ON category.cat_id = cat2id.client_catid_2
WHERE client.client_id = 65447

A LEFT JOIN statement can contain any filter. Use OR in the join clause and you do not need to repeat the first table.:

SELECT client.*,
  cats.category_id AS client_catid
FROM tb_clients AS client
  LEFT JOIN tb_clients_categories cat1id ON client.client_id = cat1id.client_id
  LEFT JOIN tb_categories cats ON 
    (cats.category_id = cat1id.client_cat1 OR 
     cats.category_id = cat1id.client_cat2)
WHERE client.client_id = 65447
This will return two rows per `client_id`, if both categories exist.
Peter Lang