+2  A: 

I ran across this problem too. The fix was to make sure each event returned in the JSON included an "allDay" name/value pair set to false.

[{'title': 'Successful','allDay': false,'start': 1266398223,'end': 1266398266,'url': '/shlk/cgi-bin/getshlkrunlog.pl?i=21'}]

Or set allDayDefault to false:

allDayDefault: false,
very useful tip! Just came across the same issue :)
Michael Mao

I am also having the same issue but my design is slightly different.

I am using the viewDisplay function to load my events through addEventSource.

$('#calendar').fullCalendar({ viewDisplay: function(view) { .... } });

The events get displayed correctly in the Month view (default) but when I change to AgendaWeek or AgendaDay view, nothing is displayed. However, when I click from Month view to AgendaDay view, and back and forth again, the events are displayed but then they disappear again...

Can someone please advise?

