This is weird. Earlier, running Windows 7 x64, I had trouble calling the Win32 OpenProcess against 64-bit processes. Googled around a bit, and came to the sinking conclusion this just wasn't gonna happen.
Then a funny thing happened. I tried it against the process ID for explorer.exe, and holy carp, it worked! Started throwing other process IDs at it, and it's just a darned crapshoot.
As it turns out, I can call OpenProcess against a good number of x64 processes -- explorer, itype, ipoint, taskhost, cmd, mstsc, ..., etc.
And others pop a 5 (Access is denied) -- winlogon, csrss, services, svchost, mdm, ...
I'm confirming the "bitness" and process ID using Process Explorer. Plus, calling GetModuleFileNameEx on 64-bit processes always fails, so that offers a double-check for 32/64.
This is the code:
' Get a handle to the process.
If hProcess Then
' Grab the filename for base module.
nChars = GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, 0, Buffer, Len(Buffer))
' If running in x64,
If Err.LastDllError = ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY Then
nChars = GetProcessImageFileName(hProcess, Buffer, Len(Buffer))
End If
' Truncate and return buffer.
If nChars Then
GetProcessFileName = Left$(Buffer, nChars)
End If
Call CloseHandle(hProcess)
Debug.Print "LastDllError:"; Err.LastDllError
End If
Nothing fancy. Just want to query the processes for things like filename or process times. Anyone have any idea what differentiates between the ones I can open and the ones I can't?
Extra info: Running process as administrator. UAC turned off. Yes, it's a 32-bit app. I have had no better results using PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION.
Thanks... Karl