I currently have the following Javascript on my page:
function tooltip(top, left, speed, easing, callback) {
$(".tooltip").css({"margin-top": top, "margin-left": left});
var state;
if(state!="1") {
if($(".tooltip .anchor").css("display")=="none") {
var state="1";
$(".tooltip .anchor").fadeIn("250");
$(".tooltip .bubble").fadeIn("250");
else {
var state="0";
$(".tooltip .anchor").fadeOut("250");
$(".tooltip .bubble").fadeOut("250");
...and the following HTML:
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="board();"><span class="icon index">Board Index</span></a><a href="javascript:;" onclick="tooltip('10px', '140px', 'slow');"><span class="icon info">Information</span></a><a href="javascript:;" onclick="tooltip('10px', '225px', 'slow');"><span class="icon reply">Reply</span></a><a href="javascript:;"><span class="icon report">Report</span></a>
The HTML ("Information" and "Reply", so far) link to the function "tooltip", which toggles the display of the tooltip.
My problem is this: ideally, I would be able to press one button, then click on another button without toggling the display of the tooltip - only the position and the content. Is this possible?
Thanks so much in advance!