i have a page which is basically just a big unordered list - sort of navigation really - and its in a nasty frame (nothing i can do about that at the mo.. but i digress)
i need to reload this page/frame as items are added/removed/reordered but i would really like it to do it via an update panel, so it doesnt (visually) have to reload the page.
unfortunately when i do drop it all in an update panel when it reloads, it doesnt re-run the jquery tree script to restyle etc itself even if i put the jquery bit inside the update panel itself..
is there any function/event .. something that i can use to retrigger the treeview functionality?
at the mo its just in a $(document).ready(function() { $("ul.nav").treeview({ animated: "medium" }); });
what i really need it to do (if this is yet unclear) is to when the update panel has finished 'loading' for it to re-treeview itself
something like
$(document).hasbeenreloadedviaupdatepanel(function(){ $("ul.nav").treeview({ animated: "medium" }); });
dotn really want to have to generate it from xml using the jstree thing, which i am vaguely familiar with..
any ideas?