




does anybody know how to refresh the Internet Explorer (like by pressingthe F5 key) but using some "backdoor" like PostMessage or SendMessage? The internet Explorer Window is not active so I can't use the keyboard.


(Language doesnt matter)

+1  A: 

I think I understand your need a little better now.

Create a new webpage on your machine with the following:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5"/>
    <iframe src="" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0">
            If you see this - Get a new browser.

Then double click to open that in your browser window.

If you are the developer of the webpage, simply add the meta-tag you see in the HEAD section to auto refresh the page.

Brian Schmitt

There are IE add-ons that auto refresh pages for you. Fist random freeware tool I found: AutoRefresher for IE. If you don't like this particular one, there are others to try.


You can use the keyboard... to start a macro doing this!

With AutoHotkey:

#^x:: ControlSend Edit1, {Enter}, ahk_class IEFrame

Win+Ctrl+X to refresh the window. Note I have the following settings in the script:

SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
SendMode Input

It works, even if the window hasn't the focus.
You can also do a loop for periodic refresh.

Problem: the address bar must be present, and the URL to refresh must be there...
But it is the most reliable way I found, I tried:

 #^x:: ControlSend ahk_parent, {F5}, Microsoft Internet Explorer

but it wasn't working each time. Working better with a minimized window, curiously...
