



This one's turning out to be a brain teaser for me. I almost hate to ask for help for fear I might miss out on the endless, sleepless night trying to cypher this mystery. JK

I've got a C# project where I need to display a list of unique objects, but only the newest one based on the type of object. For discussion purposes, let's talk "fruit". Suppose I have a list of fruits, each with a "picked date". There is no primary key. So, my generic list of type "Fruit" might look like...


I need to be able to cut down that list to only the newest of each type of fruit. The results should be...


In my real world situation, I'm using Linq to SQL. So, I'd like to stay in-bounds with what I've been doing.

This is probably something SO simple and, later on, I'm going to be embarassed I even asked. But, I need to know, so I guess I'll just have to make the sacrifice.


I'm not really familiar with the Linq to SQL syntax, but in SQL you would use a distinct select, combined with a Order on the creation-date.

+1  A: 

You want to perform a grouping on the key (in this case, Fruit), and then order the group on the values (in this case, Created), selecting the first item from each group, ordered, like so:

from each f in FruitCreatedDates
group f by f.Created into g
select new 
    Fruit = g.Key, 
    Newest = g.OrderedByDescending(fr => fr.Created).First() 
Why bother with the anonymous type? Given the "Newest" value you can get at the fruit because it's part of the item...
Jon Skeet
@Jon Skeet: Correct.

it looks like you need a groupby and a max(date). I'm thinking purely in an SQL way, but I'm sure you'd be able to figure out the Linq for that.

Antony Scott
+6  A: 

Something like this should do it:

var query = from item in db.Items
            group item by item.Fruit into grouped
            select grouped.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date)

In other words, group by fruit name, and for each group order by date and take the first result.

Jon Skeet
I think I just wet myself a little... A Jon Skeet answer on a question by little ole me. :)
Byron Sommardahl
When Jon Skeet jumps in a pool, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Jon Skeet'd.
Byron Sommardahl
@casperOne: In what way does it only return the last date? Each group is a sequence of items - I'm ordering each group by date, and then returning the first element of the ordered sequence. That element will be the whole item, *not* just the date.
Jon Skeet
@Jon Skeet: Doh!
Byron Sommardahl

Use the Min method, providing a selector lambda like this:

var list = new List<Fruit>() { 
    new Fruit() {Name = "Apple", Created = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2)},
    new Fruit() {Name = "Apple", Created = new DateTime(2010, 2, 2)},
    new Fruit() {Name = "Apple", Created = new DateTime(2010, 3, 2)},
    new Fruit() {Name = "Grape", Created = new DateTime(2011, 4, 2)},
    new Fruit() {Name = "Grape", Created = new DateTime(2011, 5, 2)},
    new Fruit() {Name = "Grape", Created = new DateTime(2011, 6, 2)},

var query =
        from fruit in list
        group fruit by fruit.Name into grouped
        select grouped.Min(f => f.Created);
That only returns the created date. I need the whole object to be returned.
Byron Sommardahl

If I was you, I'd create a custom object to encapsulate this data. This way you can run LINQ queries to your heart's content.

public struct Fruit
    public string Name;
    public string FreshDate;

Then I would run the query like this:

List<Fruit> fruitArray = new List<Fruit>
new Fruit { Name = "Apple", FreshDate = "1/2/2010"},
new Fruit { Name = "Apple", FreshDate = "11/12/2009"},
new Fruit { Name = "Apple", FreshDate = "2/14/2010"},
new Fruit { Name = "Grape", FreshDate = "5/2/2009"},
new Fruit { Name = "Orange", FreshDate = "10/30/2009"},
new Fruit { Name = "Mango", FreshDate = "2/13/2010"},
new Fruit { Name = "Apple", FreshDate = "6/30/2009"},
new Fruit { Name = "Orange", FreshDate = "10/5/2009"},
new Fruit { Name = "Grape", FreshDate = "2/1/2010"}

var resultArray = fruitArray.GroupBy(f => f.Name).Select(g => g.OrderBy(f => DateTime.Parse(f.FreshDate)).Last());

You shouldn't run the query on a multi-dimensional string array. Easier to read on a custom object.

@masenkablast: Sorry, I meant to represent a generic list, not an array. That was just my poor way of representing the data to you.
Byron Sommardahl