




Has anyone been successful porting the Prex OS (prex.sf.net) to a Stellaris chip? I am interested in verifying that Prex can be embedded on smaller memory footprint systems. If someone has already done the work and is willing to share that would be great.

+2  A: 

Your link explicitly says the requirements are:

  • Processor: 32-bit Processor (x86, ARM, PowerPC)
  • Memory: 256KB of RAM (Kernel < 25k bytes)
  • Timer: programmable interval timer

Since the kernel is under 25 KB, I would guess it will probably just work; this stellaris page says the chip has 96 KB of SRAM. Depending on your application requirements, you should be off to the races. What specific problems are you having?

Carl Norum
Problems, understanding the build/configuration options. A tiny footprint example would have been good, and cortex-m3 has its own startup and thumb requirements