First time poster here. Awesome community here. After endless hours of searching, I'm unable to figure out the answer to this problem I"m facing.
First and foremost, I'm no guru when it comes to encryption/decryption, cryptology, etc. I only want to go so far in this realm without getting lost. The primary framework I code on is .NET and I was asked to create an AES CBC implementation for C#, that can work on JavaScript and ActionScript 3. I've been successful with both but with JavaScript, I've ran into an issue.
I decided to use SlowAES AES implementation because it seems to be the most popular with the best interop.
Please see the following links regarding my issue...
Issue #9: http://code.google.com/p/slowaes/issues/detail?id=9
Basically my issue with SlowAES is, I cannot decrypt something correctly without knowing the length of the original, unencrypted text. This defeats the purpose right? I should be able to decrypt an encrypted string without needing to know the original string.
If I'm missing something, I would be grateful if pointed in the right direction. Thankfully, I'm okay because .NET AES implementation I've put together can decrypt what SlowAES encrypts, same with ActionScript 3's implementation.
At this point I would just like to have SlowAES decrypt correctly.
After following the help of Remus, I've determine that SlowAES is using PKCS5/7 padding scheme but does not remove it properly. Now my problem seems to be with C#, understanding Byte Arrays, etc.
I can see the last character in my decrypted text is '5' which is preceded by a '0'. This pattern continues 5 times. Now from what Remus said below, I'm supposed to subtract the decrypted string length by this number. But the pattern is '05', does that mean I double 5 making 10 then subtract 10 from my decrypted string length?
Also, what would be the easiest way of obtaining the number I need to subtract? I'm using the following to obtain the number currently:
Byte[] decryptedBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(decrypted);
Byte padLengthByte = decryptedBytes[decryptedBytes.Length - 1];
Char padLengthChar = Convert.ToChar(padLengthByte);
String padLengthString = padLengthChar.ToString();
Int32 padLength = Int32.Parse(padLengthString);
I'm sure I'm doing this wrong. Again any help is always appreciated it.
Another question I have is, how do you know if padding was applied in the first place in order to remove it? If '\07' represents 7 bytes of padding, what if the last byte was '\01\'?