ok please be gentle, I am new to WPF and LINQ - I have a strange problem here. I have a search screen and an add/edit screen. I have the add/edit screen bound to a 'CompanyContact' object and a search screen bound to a collection (CompanyContacts).
I have a 3 column unique constraint (FirstName, LastName, CompanyId) on the CompanyContact db table so you can't have the same name appear twice for the same company.
I should also mention that I have an "AFTER UPDATE" trigger on CompanyContact table's 'ModifiedDate' column which refreshes the ModifiedDate because I don't like allowing the client PC to dictate the modifieddate/time... (I want the database to keep track of when the record was modified). I let the DEFAULT CONSTRAINT put GetDate() into this column on INSERTs.
let's say there is a "Steve Smith" at CompanyId 123 and there is also a "Steve Smith2" at CompanyId 123
If I attempt to edit an existing company contact (Steve Smith2 @CompanyId=123) and change the last name from "Smith2" to "Smith" so that it causes the Unique constraint to fire (collision with Steve Smith @ CompanyId=123), everything seems to work fine (i.e. I made it so that the Edit screen traps the SqlException and 'resets' the properties back to their original values by resetting the base.DataContext and the user is notified - "hey you can't do that... it would cause a duplicate record") but when I dismiss the Edit screen (Click the CANCEL button) and return to the Search screen, the offending data is showing in the Search results... (i.e. there are now 2 records showing Steve Smith @ CompanyId 123)
I have tried many things, including writing code in LINQ to check for duplicates before attempting to UPDATE... but it seems like there is a simpler solution than that? I am a big believer in putting rules into the database so there is consistent enforcement of a rule i.e. so that rules are enforced the same for everyone including those people who make work directly against the database (on the backend)
here's a snippet from Add/Edit screen (Search screen can call this function)...
public CompanyContact EditCompanyContact(int companyContactId)
CompanyContact myCompanyContact;
_screenMode = ScreenMode.Edit;
myCompanyContact = new CompanyContactRepository().GetById(companyContactId);
//experimental code -- use this to reset base DataContext if unique constraint violated...
_originalCompanyContact = (CompanyContact)myCompanyContact.Clone();
//make sure to clone the object so we can discard changes if user cancels
base.DataContext = (CompanyContact)myCompanyContact.Clone();
//if user cancels Edit this is 'reset' to originalCompanyContact
return ((CompanyContact)base.DataContext);
and here is code from the 'cancel button'
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//HACK: this allows us to discard changes to the object passed in (when in EDIT mode)
//TODO: research a truer WPF approach? (RoutedEvents?)
_userCancelled = true;
base.DataContext = _originalCompanyContact;
here is the code that is executed when you try to Save on the Add/Edit screen:
if (base.DataContext != null)
CompanyContactRepository ccr = new CompanyContactRepository();
cc = ((CompanyContact)base.DataContext);
//dismiss the form after saving CompanyContact
catch (SqlException sx)
if (sx.Message.IndexOf("Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UN_CompanyContact_Value'.") == 0)
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("a CompanyContact with the name ({1} {0}) already exists for {2}", cc.FirstName, cc.LastName, cc.Company.Name), "Duplicate Record", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
//yes - catch and rethrow is probably a bad practice, but trying to ISOLATE UNIQUE constraint violation
throw sx;
and here is some LINQ code for the Save (sorry it is FUGLY! - I've been hacking around with it all day)
public void Save(CompanyContact entityToSave)
var saveEntity = (from cc in db.CompanyContacts
where cc.CompanyContactId == entityToSave.CompanyContactId
select cc).SingleOrDefault();
if (saveEntity == null)
//INSERT logic
entityToSave.CreatedById = new CompanyPersonRepository().GetCompanyPerson(DataContext.Default.LoginUsername).CompanyPersonId;
entityToSave.ModifiedById = entityToSave.CreatedById;
//UPDATE logic
saveEntity.ModifiedById = new CompanyPersonRepository().GetCompanyPerson(DataContext.Default.LoginUsername).CompanyPersonId;
saveEntity.CompanyId = entityToSave.Company.CompanyId;
saveEntity.FirstName = entityToSave.FirstName;
saveEntity.LastName = entityToSave.LastName;
saveEntity.CompanyContactTypeId = entityToSave.CompanyContactTypeId;