I have a pair of bash scripts, 1 that dumps mysql dbs, and the second to purge old backups.
I have always relied on date, so any files older than 7 days are purged, and new backups created daily. The result was a set of backups 7 days back.
Well now that I have 20+ dbs I have separated that daily job into a daily, and weekly job. If I continue to use the find and date method I would lose the past week.
How can I sort the output of a find by date, and then purge all but the most recent 7. (so even if the most recent is 2 months old, it remains)
This is as far as I got, but it is not as expected. Perhaps using ls might be the better choice 9find is a remnant from using date as the sole criteria for purging)
OLDFILES=`find -regex .*sql.*`
set -- $OLDFILES
if [ -z $1 ]
printf "\tNo files matching purge criteria\n" | tee -a $LOGFILE
printf "\tSQL Files being Delete from $HERE\n" | tee -a $LOGFILE
printf "\t\t%s\n" $OLDFILES | tee -a $LOGFILE
# $RETAIN is the # of recent to keep
# so I want to grab a subset from 0 to (total - retain), and purge them
TOBURN=$(( $# - $RETAIN ))
printf " grab first %s files. %s - %s" $TOBURN $# $RETAIN
if [ $TOBURN -gt 0 ]
printf "\n\nREMOVING..\n\t\t%s\n" $TOPURGE
Existing files
Targets for purging (which I want to set in variable for simple rm -f $var)
(dates 1/23 - 1/29 are left intact)