I'm sorry that I couldn't figure out a way to express the question more clearly in the headline, but essentially, it's this: almost all functional languages have constructs that allow you to process a variable list of arguments through tail recursion, as in this Erlang-ish pseudocode that sums up a list of numbers:
sumup(0,A) -> A.
sumup(N,A) -> sumup(N) + A.
However, one of the big appeals of functional languages to me is their inherent parallelism. And even though a problem such as summing up a list of numbers is obviously quite parallelizable, and would almost certainly be most efficiently handled by divide-and-conquer, I'm not aware of language features that make this a natural way to program. In fact, unless the language has features that allow reading the number of arguments based to a function and retrieving arguments based on index, I don't see how one could do it. Do any functional languages have features to encourage divide-and-conquer programming?