I have a block of codes with timestamp in front of each line like this:
12/02/2010 12:20:12 function myFun()
12/02/2010 12:20:13 {....
The first column is a date time value. I would like to command them out by using VIM
/*12/02/2010 12:20:12*/ function myFun()
/*12/02/2010 12:20:13*/ {....
I tried to search for date first:
/\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d
I got all the timestamps marked correctly. However When I tried to replace them by the command:
%s/\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/\/*\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d*\//
I got the following result:
/*dd/dd/dddd dd:dd:dd*/ function myFun()
/*dd/dd/dddd dd:dd:dd*/ {....
I think I need to name the search part and put them back in the replace part. How I can do it?