I know how to restore MySQL DB with *.sql files.
But i don't know how to import *.bin files. Content in this file is:
123456789|www.site-name.com 123789456|www.go.com 123987456|www.g1.net 987865432|www.site.org
Please help!
I know how to restore MySQL DB with *.sql files.
But i don't know how to import *.bin files. Content in this file is:
123456789|www.site-name.com 123789456|www.go.com 123987456|www.g1.net 987865432|www.site.org
Please help!
*.bin files are mysql logs. You can view these files with the command mysqlbinlog
BUT looking at the content of the file, it appears to be just plain text file with | as a column separator. (The default column separator in mysql is TAB.)
You can load file with the following command
LOAD DATA INFILE '/path/to/file.bin'
INTO TABLE table_name