I am trying to run a shell script from within a .vimrc file (three problems marked in the script):
function! CheckMe(file)
let shellcmd = 'checkme '.a:file
" Start the command and return 0 on success.
" XXX: How do you evaluate the return code?
execute '!'.shellcmd
if !result
return 0
" Ending up here, the command returned an error.
" XXX: Where to you get the output?
let pair = split(output, '\S')
let line = pair[0]
let char = pair[1]
" Jump to the errenous column and line.
" XXX: Why does this not work?
normal '/\%'.line.'l\%'.char.'c'
return 1
So to summarize, how do you get the result/output of the script, and why does the jump statement not work?
Additional details:
- The shell script returns 0 on success, and 1 on failure. On a failure, the script prints two numbers (line and column number) to stdout, separated by a space character.
- According to the Vim docs, the argument of the "normal" keyword is "executed like it is typed", but apparently that is not the case. It works fine when I type it (in the normal command mode, without leading ':'), but doesn't in the script ("E78: Unknown mark).