



I can't understand ho w to let Intellisense work in ICSharpCode.TextEditor. At today, replies in so are uncompleted. On the web there are no samples...

I need to display a completion box with my custom keywords.

Any help?


I had the same problem a couple weeks ago and grabbed the sample app for ICSharpCode texteditor CodeComplete and was able to consolidated it all into one file

See here for my first pass at it:

My objective at that stage was to create one file will all dependencies so that I could (for example) add code complete to any TextEditorControl control (I also had to make a couple changes to allow dynamic code complete updates from multiple source code files)

To use the O2ComdeCompletion.cs object just call:

o2CodeCompletion = new O2CodeCompletion( {your instance of TextEditorControl} );

Dinis Cruz