In furthering Michael's post and answering @rhc's question, the following code may also help you if need to copy Page Setup customizations from a single worksheet to multiple worksheets in a workbook:
Public Sub CopyPageSetupToAll(ByRef SourceSheet As Worksheet)
' Raise error if invalid source sheet is passed to procedure
If (SourceSheet Is Nothing) Then
Err.Raise _
Number:=vbErrorObjectVariableNotSet, _
Source:="CopyPageSetupToAll", _
Description:="Unable to copy Page Setup settings: " _
& "invalid reference to source sheet."
Exit Sub
End If
With SourceSheet.PageSetup
' ...
' place PageSetup customizations here
' ...
End With
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}", True
End Sub
Alternatively, you could also modify the procedure to create a temporary worksheet to host your Page Setup changes, and then propagate those changes out to the other worksheets in your workbook:
Public Sub CopyPageSetupToAll(ByRef SourceBook As Workbook)
Dim tempSheet As Worksheet
' Raise error if invalid workbook is passed to procedure
If (SourceBook Is Nothing) Then
Err.Raise _
Number:=vbErrorObjectVariableNotSet, _
Source:="CopyPageSetupToAll", _
Description:="Unable to copy Page Setup settings: " _
& "invalid reference to source workbook."
Exit Sub
End If
Set tempSheet = SourceBook.Worksheets.Add
With tempSheet.PageSetup
' ...
' place PageSetup customizations here
' ...
End With
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}", True
Set tempSheet = Nothing
End Sub
Due to the use of the SendKeys()
function and Application.Dialogs
functionality, this code does not offer the cleanest possible solution. However, it gets the job done. :)