How does one create a 'Rational' token in javacc that takes a rational number and calculates its value. Foe example '2/5' value =0.4. I know how to write a regex for this, but don't know, and have never been properly taught, how to/where to incorporate java methods in javacc code. I have been advised that:
Note that rational numbers with 0 denominator are undefined. Instead of generating an error, print infinity, as shown above. Advice: You can use the indexOf and substring methods from the Java String class in order to extract the numerator and denominator parts of your rational number. It’s a good idea to define a second variable (e.g. val2) in order store the value of your denominator. Also, cast the result of the division to double i.e. (double) val / val2.
Bear in mind that I'm new to javacc, but have a basic knowledge of java. Any advice on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.