Both methods in the accepted post give you the wrong answer if @test = (undef, '')
. That is, they declare an undefined value to be equal to the empty string.
That might be acceptable. In addition, using grep
goes through all elements of the array even if a mismatch is found early on and using the hash more than doubles the memory used by elements of array. Neither of these would be a problem if you have small arrays. And, grep
is likely to be fast enough for reasonable list sizes.
However, here is an alternative that 1) returns false for (undef, '')
and (undef, 0)
, 2) does not increase the memory footprint of your program and 3) short-circuits as soon as a mismatch is found:
use strict; use warnings;
# Returns true for an empty array as there exist
# no elements of an empty set that are different
# than each other (see
sub all_the_same {
my ($ref) = @_;
return 1 unless @$ref;
my $cmpv = \ $ref->[-1];
for my $i (0 .. $#$ref - 1) {
my $this = \ $ref->[$i];
return unless defined $$cmpv == defined $$this;
return if defined $$this
and ( $$cmpv ne $$this );
return 1;
However, using List::MoreUtils::first_index is likely to be faster:
use List::MoreUtils qw( first_index );
sub all_the_same {
my ($ref) = @_;
my $first = \ $ref->[0];
return -1 == first_index {
(defined $$first != defined)
or (defined and $_ ne $$first)
} @$ref;