




Hello everyone,

I'm stuck on a stupid problem

I have a datagridview where i add rows using array like this: Dim srow() As String = {getIDprodus(cmbprodus.Text), cmbprodus.Text, getprodusforma(cmbprodus.Text), txtcantitate.Text} griddetalii.Rows.Add(srow)

Next, i need to let user to modify the added row. So when user selects a row and press EDIT, a new form is popped out using this code: Dim i = griddetalii.CurrentRow.Index frmdetaliiiesire.cmbprodus.Text = griddetalii.Item(0, i).Value frmdetaliiiesire.txtcantitate.Text = griddetalii.Item(1, i).Value frmdetaliiiesire.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen frmdetaliiiesire.ShowDialog()

In that form, the user can change the 2 values and after that, he clicks ok with this code: frmiesiri.griddetalii.Rows(CInt(TextBox1.Text)).Cells(0).Value = cmbprodus.Text frmiesiri.griddetalii.Rows(CInt(TextBox1.Text)).Cells(1).Value = txtcantitate.Text

In textbox1 i have put the index of the current row selected in grid

The problem is when i push OK, the applications crashes and i receive an error: INDEX WAS OUT OF RANGE

If the users changes the values from the same form, it's works. But changing them from another form crashes the applications

Can someone help me?