The way of obj.Sort(delegate(...)); is dynamic sorting in one place. If you have several places doing the same sorting or you need more flexible sorting, you may consider to create a class implementing IComparer<T>. Here is an example:
public class MyTypeComparer : IComparer<MyType>
public MyTypeComparer() // default comparer on ID
{ ... }
public MyTypeComparer(bool desc) // default with order specified
public MyTypeComparer(string sort, bool desc) // specified sort and order such as property name, true or false.
{ ... }
public int Compare(MyType a, MyType b) // implement IComparer interface
{ ... } // this is real sorting codes
and here is the example to use it:
List<MyType> myList = GetList();
myList.Sort(new MyTypeComparer());
// myList.Sort(new MyTypeComparer(false));
// myList.Sort(new MyTypeComparer("FirstName", true));