




A long time ago, my college professor defined a term which meant the number of source lines between a variable definition and its usage.

The lesson basically argued that the closer the two values are, the easier it will be to maintain over the long run.

My Google-Fu has been weak.

What is the term that describes this relationship?

+1  A: 

I came across this concept for the first time whilst reading Code Complete 2.

I think the term you're looking for is 'span' in that book, which is explicitly the number of lines between references to a variable. In my interpretation, a variable declared and used on consecutive lines would have a span of 0.

The concept is reusable for other references to the variable too to give a wider measure of maintainability - the span between declaration and first use may be 0, but if the variable is then used again 100 lines later that's still pretty nasty.

All of these things are related, but not what OP is asking for
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
modified to improve the focus, cheers
Yep, page 305.Thank you Brabster
@brabster Do you play othello?
Never played it - why?
Your nick seems to fire a few neurons in my head.
+3  A: 

Found on this page http://www.ppig.org/papers/11th-douce.pdf , on page 6 of the document it talks about Object Relation Measure, or ORM, and gives the definition and way to calculate it. I think this is what you might be looking for.

is it Code spatial complexity ?

John Boker