



Hey there,

I have two LINQ statements that I would like to make into one, but for the life of me I can't get it to work.

I can't get the grouping to work in the first statement. It complains that the TotalBuy and TotalSell properties aren't there, although doesn't complain about AmountTC and AmountAUD.

This should be simple. Any thoughts?

        var itineraryItems =
            from ii in this.ItineraryItemRecords
            join t in this.TransactionRecords on ii.OperatorID equals t.TransactionActor.OperatorID
            into g
            select new
                    OperatorID = ii.OperatorID
                    , TotalBuy = g.Sum(i => ii.TotalBuy)
                    , TotalSell = g.Sum(i => ii.TotalSell)
                    , PaidTC = (0 - (g.Sum(t => t.AmountTC)))
                    , PaidAUD = (0 - (g.Sum(t => t.AmountAUD)))

        var itineraryItemz =
            from i in itineraryItems
            group i by i.OperatorID
            into g
                select new
                               OperatorID = g.Key
                               ,TotalBuy = g.Sum(i => i.TotalBuy)
                               ,TotalSell = g.Sum(i => i.TotalSell)
                               ,PaidTC = (0 - (g.Sum(i => i.PaidTC)))
                               ,PaidAUD = (0 - (g.Sum(i => i.PaidAUD)))

As a side note, ItineraryItemRecords and TransactionRecords are Collections of classes handled by SubSonic.

This really should be simple, so any help would be appreciated.

Regards, John

+2  A: 

A minor mistake, corrected:

var itineraryItems = from ii in this.ItineraryItemRecords 
   join t in this.TransactionRecords on ii.OperatorID equals t.TransactionActor.OperatorID 
   into g 
   select new 
       OperatorID = ii.OperatorID 
       //, TotalBuy = g.Sum(i => ii.TotalBuy) 
       , TotalBuy = g.Sum(i => i.TotalBuy) 
       //, TotalSell = g.Sum(i => ii.TotalSell) 
       , TotalSell = g.Sum(i => i.TotalSell) 
       , PaidTC = (0 - (g.Sum(t => t.AmountTC))) 
       , PaidAUD = (0 - (g.Sum(t => t.AmountAUD))) 

I recommend against re-using identifiers - will help avoid these mistakes in the future.

David B
Hey, I appreciate the help here from you two, thanks for the comment.Unfortunately, I've thrown this code in and it's not working.It complains about TotalBuy and TotalSell."Cannot resolve symbol TotalBuy"'ResSystem.Library.Objects.Transaction' does not contain a definition for 'TotalBuy' and no extension method 'TotalBuy' accepting a first argument of type 'ResSystem.Library.Objects.Transaction' could be foundWhat's wrong with my syntax here?
Never mind.I ended up splitting this into three separate queries.Two group by queries, and then one joining these two group by queries.