You can access the characters of a string directly by its index, using the String.prototype.charAt
var str = "foo";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
But I don't think that you want to traverse your namespace string character by character, you can use the String.prototype.split
method, to get an array containing the namespace levels using the dot (.
) character as a separator, e.g.:
var levels = "MyCompany.UI.LoginPage".split('.');
// levels is an array: ["MyCompany", "UI", "LoginPage"]
But I think your question goes further to this, and I will give you a more advanced starting point, I made a recursive function that will allow you to do exactly what you want, initialize several nested object levels using a string:
// that will create a MyCompany global object
// you can use it on an object to avoid globals also
var topLevel = {};
initializeNS('Foo.Bar.Baz', topLevel);
// or
var One = initializeNS('Two.Three.Four', {});
function initializeNS(ns, obj) {
var global = (function () { return this;})(), // reference to the global object
levels = ns.split('.'), first = levels.shift();
obj = obj || global; //if no object argument supplied declare a global property
obj[first] = obj[first] || {}; // initialize the "level"
if (levels.length) { // recursion condition
initializeNS(levels.join('.'), obj[first]);
return obj[first]; // return a reference to the top level object
You will have to improve this function, for example you will need to sanitize the string...