



Is it correct, that there is no official API by Apple to create a well formed XML? I searched the web for a while but I just found some external frameworks to create XML data structures.

I need it for a web service call and would prefer a native API by Apple.

Of course I could just put together some Strings, but I think that's not the best way to do.

+1  A: 

There's libxml2, which is supported API on the iPhone. Nothing higher-level, but there are plenty of third-party wrappers.

Graham Lee
libxml2 is a third party API too, isn't it? Well of course there are plenty third-party wrappers out there, but I was just wondering whether there is something native.
It's part of the Apple distribution, even if someone else wrote some of the source code.
Graham Lee
Great. That was the missing info for me ;)