



Hello all,

I am saving in my DB a TimeSpan (from .NET) value as BIGINT in SQL Server (saving the Ticks property). I want to know how to convert this BIGINT value to a DATETIME value in SQL Server (not in .NET). Any ideas?



I am using NHibernate to map a TimeSpan property I have, and it persists the Ticks property. I use it for relative hours (or minutes) control over some date.

Internally in the system everything is fine, this conversion isn't needed. However, when performing random queries in SQL Server, it is hard to understand the persisted form of a TimeSpan. So, a function where I pass the Ticks value and a DateTime is returned would give the amount in hours, minutes and seconds that that TimeSpan represents.

+4  A: 

A timespan is not a date, and saving it as such may cause confusion in the future.

Is there a reason you can't simply save the tickes to an integer field and not change its meaning?

please, check the updated question
+1  A: 

You should be able to use the CAST function built into SQL Server.

SELECT(CAST(CAST(CAST ('02/02/10' AS datetime) AS BIGINT) AS datetime)) 

you get 2010-02-02 00:00:00.000

+1  A: 

Get the value of TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond in .NET (just write it down).

Then, in your SQL you can divide the tick count by that number, that's the number of seconds. You can then divide this by 60 to get minutes, etc.

That is a way, but that would require to change nhibernate's persisting behavior, and I would like to avoid that.

I have figured it out on my own:

288000000000 ticks represents 8 hours, so the following SELECT returns a dummy date with the ammount of hours specified

SELECT DATEADD(millisecond ,288000000000/10000,cast('1900-01-01' as datetime))

Thanks to everyones efforts.

+2  A: 

I'm not sure how accurate this will be with the seconds, but you could try something like:

Declare @TickValue bigint
Declare @Days float

Set @TickValue = 634024345696365272 
Select @Days = @TickValue * POWER(10.00000000000,-7) / 60 / 60 / 24

Select DATEADD(d, Cast(@Days As int), Cast('0001-01-01' As DATE)) 
    + Cast( (@Days - FLOOR(@Days)) As DateTime)

Actually another way that would work in SQL 2005 is to note that the the number of ticks from 0001-01-01 to 1900-01-01 is 599266080000000000. With that you could do:

Declare @TickOf19000101 bigint
Declare @TickValue bigint
Declare @Minutes float

Set @TickOf19000101  = 599266080000000000
Set @TickValue = DATEDIFF(mi, 0 ,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) * Cast(60 As BigInt) * POWER(10.00000000000,7) + @TickOf19000101

Select @TickValue
Select @Minutes = (@TickValue - @TickOf19000101) * POWER(10.00000000000,-7) / 60

Select @Minutes
Select DATEADD(MI, @Minutes, '1900-01-01')
Granted..this requires SQL 2008 and its DATE data type.
Btw, it should also be noted that the Ticks value starts from '0001-01-01' **not** '1900-01-01'.
The code is great, but if the timespan represents hours only and not a full date, the resulting date is too low to be represented as a datetime. But the code is a good start, I'll mark it as answer and work on it. Thank you very much!