I'd like to add one more thing to keep in mind when using the auto_inc feature of MySQL:
Imagine you have a table employees
that uses auto_inc and (for whatever reason) a second table named former_employees
. Let's further pretend that every employee would have an unique ID (therefore the auto_inc) attached to him - and that he won't even lose it due to dismissal or quitting.
For performance reason (let's just imagine the company has several billion employees) your company moves the records of former employees to the homonymous table.
Now here's a snapshot of the two tables (don't mind the small IDs now):
employees former_employees
------------------------ ------------------------
id | name | ... id | name | ...
------------------------ ------------------------
27 | Peter | ... 29 | Andrew | ...
28 | Jacko | ... 30 | Dennis | ...
32 | Paula | ... 31 | Lenny | ...
33 | JoDon | ...
Notice that former_employees
last ID equals 33
and that employees
auto_inc counter equals 34
right now.
If you'd shutdown the server at this stage and restart it, employees
auto_inc would jump back to 33!!! That's because MySQL doesn't store the auto_inc counter between restarts!
Keep that in mind, though.
PS: To circumvent this "feature" you would have to trigger stored procedures that look at former_employees
last ID and set that if greater.
Note (S.Leske): This applies to InnoDB tables, but not to MyISAM tables. Don't know about other table engines.