I have a variable, start_time:
(rdb:5) start_time.class
(rdb:5) start_time
Tue, 23 Feb 2010 14:45:00 EST -05:00
(rdb:5) start_time.in_time_zone(ActiveSupport::TimeZone::ZONES_MAP["Pacific Time (US & Canada)"]).zone
(rdb:5) start_time.in_time_zone(ActiveSupport::TimeZone::ZONES_MAP["Pacific Time (US & Canada)"]).to_s(:time)
"2:45 PM ET"
I'd like to change 'to_s(:time)' so that it outputs the time in whatever zone is specified in the variable, not the default system time. I.e. The output would be "11:45 AM PT". How do I do this?