I have a bunch of metadata that I want to load before I render any pages (the page content depends on the meta data). Looking at the Application_Startup method in the App.xaml.cs I can see that there is the line of code
WebContext.Current.Authentication.LoadUser(this.Application_UserLoaded, null);
This looks to be exactly what I want (the definition is:
public LoadUserOperation LoadUser(Action<LoadUserOperation> completeAction, object userState);
This method calls the "Action" when the operation is completed. How can I implement a similar approach for my LoadMetaData() method?
public static class MetaData
private static bool _modelEntitiesIsLoading;
private static TTASDomainContext _ttasContext;
static MetaData()
private static void Initialize()
_ttasContext = new TTASDomainContext();
public static void LoadData()
//Exit if currently loading, or there is no context
if (_modelEntitiesIsLoading || _ttasContext == null)
_modelEntitiesIsLoading = true;
var q = _ttasContext.GetModelEntityQuery();
_ttasContext.Load(_ttasContext.GetModelEntityQuery(), OnModelEntitiesLoaded, null);
private static void OnModelEntitiesLoaded(LoadOperation<ModelEntity> loadOperation)
if (loadOperation.Error != null)
//raise an event...
ModelEntities = loadOperation;
_modelEntitiesIsLoading = false;