As cruxst suggests, there are plugins for this kind of thing, but maybe you don't want to use a plugin. Perhaps you are trying to figure it out for yourself.
Here is a piece of code that implements a very simple autocomplete. It's not a plugin and it's pretty basic but it has the basic features.
Your question suggests that the function that you may be interested in is highlightResult
Below the script is the markup and style required.
$(function() {
// length of time, in milliseconds, to wait after a keystroke before the search happens
// usually 250 ~ 400ms
var wait = 250;
// the minimum number of characters required to search on
var minChars = 3;
var queryScript = 'inc/ajax_search.php';
// cache our two main players for efficiency
var $input = $('#searchinput');
var $output = $('#searchresults' );
// to store the timeout
var delay = null;
$input.keypress( function( e ) {
switch( e.keyCode ) {
case 13: // return
case 38: // up
highlightResult( -1 );
case 40: // down
highlightResult( 1 );
//case ... there may be keys that you want to ignore like left and right
clearTimeout( delay );
delay = setTimeout( search, wait );
function search() {
var query = $.trim( $input.val() );
if( query && query.length >= minChars ) {
$output.load( queryScript, { searchinput: query } );
function highlightResult( n ) {
if( Math.abs(n) != 1 ) return;
var hilgt = $output.find( '.highlight' );
var newhilgt;
// if we don't have a highlighted element...
if( !hilgt.length ) {
if( n > 0 ) {
// highlight the first one
// jq 1.4+
} else {
// highlight the last one
$output.find('li').slice( -1 ).addClass('highlight');
// jq 1.4+
if( n > 0 ) {
var newhilgt =;
} else {
var newhilgt = hilgt.prev();
if( newhilgt.length ) {
function selectResult() {
var sel = $output.find( '.highlight' );
if( sel.length ) {
// do something with the selected element
console.log( sel[0] );
// For completeness the functions below handle mouse stuff
$('#searchresults li').live( 'mouseover', function( e ) {
$('#searchresults li').live( 'click', function( e ) {
<style type="text/css">
.highlight {
background: red;
<input type="text" id="searchinput"/>
<div id="searchresults"></div>
Return from your ajax call assumed to be something like
<li>result 1</li>
<li>result 2</li>
<li>result 3</li>