



I am trying to use SevenZipSharp or/and Unrar library in C# WinForms .NET 3.5. I have this problem with multi rar archives that have diffrent naming for example:

  • .rar, r01, r02, r03 and so on (this is easy)
  • somefile01.rar, somefile02.rar, somefile03.rar

  • .001, .002, 003 and so on.

If i point Unrar or SevenZipSharp to wrong archive it will unpack that particular archive and leave rest unpacked. So i have to point the right one (unless i am doing something wrong).

What would be the best way to check for that? For now i am checking if there are more then one .rar files inside directory then if so i check for 01.rar. If there's only one and .rar and couple of r01 then i get .rar but this seems a bit wrong.

Is there a way to make SevenZip or Unrar to actually unpack whole multi rar pack just by pointing to any .rar file? or .001 ?



I tried to use following code to get information as suggested in one answer but it fails to deliver promised information. extr.ArchiveFileData returns 0 for zip, and 32 for any provided rar whether it's rar or r01.

        using (SevenZipExtractor extr = new SevenZipExtractor(fileName)) {

            foreach (var var in  extr.ArchiveProperties) {
                string attributes = var.Name;
                object test = var.Value;
                if (test == null) {
                    test = "THIS";
                MessageBox.Show(attributes.ToString(), test.ToString());
                            foreach (var var in extr.ArchiveFileData) {
+1  A: 

I believe that you could use SevenZipExtractor.ArchiveFileData property and then iterate through header data to find the relevant information.

Part of the RAR header structure :

HEAD_FLAGS Bit flags: 2 bytes

            0x0001  - Volume attribute (archive volume)
            0x0002  - Archive comment present
                      RAR 3.x uses the separate comment block
                      and does not set this flag.

            0x0004  - Archive lock attribute
            0x0008  - Solid attribute (solid archive)
            0x0010  - New volume naming scheme (\'volname.partN.rar\')
            0x0020  - Authenticity information present
                      RAR 3.x does not set this flag.

            0x0040  - Recovery record present
            0x0080  - Block headers are encrypted
            0x0100  - First volume (set only by RAR 3.0 and later)

            other bits in HEAD_FLAGS are reserved for
            internal use

Edit :

When I downloaded SevenZipSharp(1 hour ago) and found that SevenZipExtractor class contains a property that lists every file in volume (VolumeFileNames). I thought 'Great! That was easy!', well... it's never that easy. It seems that VolumeFileNames works perfectly but only if you point it to the first rar in volume :(

The wokraround :

I've created a method to guess and verify the first volume :

private static string LocateFirstVolume(string filename)
    var isVolume = false;
    var parts = 1u;

    using (var extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(filename))
        isVolume =
            extractor.ArchiveProperties.Any(x =>
                x.Name.Equals("IsVolume") && x.Value.Equals(true));

        parts = (
            from x in extractor.ArchiveProperties
            where x.Name.Equals("Number of volumes")
            select (uint)x.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(1u).SingleOrDefault();

    if (!isVolume)
        return null;

    if (parts > 1)
        return filename;

    if (!Path.GetExtension(filename)
        .Equals(".rar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        var rarFile = 
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".rar");

        if (File.Exists(rarFile))
            var firstVolume = LocateFirstVolume(rarFile);

            if (firstVolume != null)
                return firstVolume;

    var directoryFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename));

    foreach (var directoryFile in directoryFiles)
        var firstVolume = LocateFirstVolume(directoryFile);

        if (firstVolume != null)
            using (var extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(firstVolume))
                if (extractor.VolumeFileNames.Contains(filename))
                    return firstVolume;

    return null;

It's quick&dirty but works and you can refine it further according to your needs.

I hope this helps.

Is there the same information in Unrar.dll, for some reason i couldn't get SevenZip library to unpack 001, 002 packed archives (not sure why). Maybe new version fixed it, but didn't had time to test.
I'm sure the info is available using unrar.dll, RARReadHeader and RARReadHeaderEx are the methods but I don't know anything more on the subject.
Please check updated question which states what code i used and what returns i get, doesn't seems to work :/