I need to create an ANSI text file from an Access recordset that outputs to JSON and YAML. I can write the file, but the output is coming out with the original characters, and I need to escape them. For example, an umlaut-O (ö) should be "\u00f6".
I thought encoding the file as UTF-8 would work, but it doesn't. However, having looked at the file coding again, if you write "UTF-8 without BOM" then everything works.
Does anyone know how to either
a) Write text out as UTF-8 without BOM, or b) Write in ANSI but escaping the non-ASCII characters?
Public Sub testoutput()
Set db = CurrentDb()
str_filename = "anothertest.json"
MyFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & str_filename
str_temp = "Hello world here is an ö"
fnum = FreeFile
Open MyFile For Output As fnum
Print #fnum, str_temp
Close #fnum
End Sub