Is there a .net variable that returns the "All Users" directory?
I'm not sure if there is an environment variable for it, but I am sure I have seen it done somewhere before using the registry.. You will obviously need permissions to do that though!
I'll Google, BRB! :D
[Major Edit]
You'll want to use the system.environment variables. Most of the predefined ones are shown here. For the "All Users" you would use
I know I got a lot of upmods and a correct answer for my other stuff, but this actually works. where as the other environment variables I linked to previously don't seem to work with that function call.
@Nick isnt that the shared AppData path though? (Not the actual "root" of all users?)
I think the structure is always the same, so I guess you could traverse from there?
You can then pass this result to System.IO.Directory.GetParent() to get the root "All Users" folder.