



      I have practiced SQL in w3schools, which is good but doesn’t allow to try with DDL commands, which is certainly not satisfying. Please suggest me such tutorial(s), which allow to practice SQL or MySQL online, allowing to use all the commands, if you have ever observed.

+1  A: 

Hi! Here's my private little online query tool:

GIQT is a google gears interactive query tool. It depends on Google Gears, and was created a long time ago in a galaxy far away when Google Gears was still cool. The thing it has got going for it, is that it is completely online, yet completely on your own webbrowser. not muchm, granted, but at least you can learn the basics.

It works on SQLite, and there's a link to the SQLite documentation in the menu.

Have fun!

Roland Bouman
thank you :-) [15 chars]
infant programmer