This is how I understand I can implement the singleton pattern in C#:
public class ChesneyHawkes{
private static ChesneyHawkes _instance = new ChesneyHawkes();
public ChesneyHawkes Instance {get{return _instance;}}
private ChesneyHawkes()
What if I want to provide a single instance of an object, so that there can only ever be one, make the access to it public, but only allow it to be created or replaced by another singleton.
// The PuppetMaster should be the only class that
// can create the only existing Puppet instance.
public class PuppetMaster{
private static PuppetMaster_instance = new PuppetMaster();
public static PuppetMaster Instance {get{return _instance;}}
// Like a singleton but can be replaced at the whim of PuppetMaster.Instance
public static Puppet PuppetInstance {get {return Puppet;}}
private PuppetMaster()
public class Puppet{
// Please excuse the pseudo-access-modifier
puppetmasteronly Puppet(){
// To be accessed like so.
PuppetMaster.Puppet puppet = PuppetMaster.Instance.PuppetInstance;