I have a scenario I need to create a text box row dynamically with a date picker. The text box name should be same when creating a new row. Whenever I am doing this I am get into trouble. I could not execute and get the result. Without date picker, I am able to create a new row with multiple text boxes. When I am adding a text box, it is not working. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue? I am investigate over this issue since last week.
Here the code what I am using to create new row with date picker (dynamically).
if(x == "Since Timestamp" )
var addRow = $(this).parent().parent();
var newRow = $(this).parent().parent().clone(true);
if($(this).parent().parent().prev().attr('id') != null)
var myInput = ('<input type="text" id="days" name="days" />');
$(myInput).datepicker({dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yyyy',buttonImageOnly:true,showOn: 'button'});
$('td:eq(0)', newRow).html('<select name="cond3" id="cond3" class="dnr" disabled="true"><option>And</option><option>Or</option></select>');
$('td:eq(2)',newRow).html(''); $('td:eq(2)',newRow).html($(myInput)); $('td:eq(3)', newRow).html('<input type="text" name="datetime" id="datetime" style="width:60px">');
$('td:eq(3)', newRow).attr('style','width:120px');
if( this.id == 'cond3' )
{ $(this).val(selectedval);
return true;
This is the version of jquery I am using:
I'm getting a "datepicker function undefined" error. Can anyone help?