I'm trying to connect to an OpenLDAP server 'clone'. I've tried using Synapse Library but I was able to get only a part (about 50%) of our public contacts.
I'm trying now the ADO way (I've read that ADSI was compatible with other LDAP servers) but I can't get it working.
ADOConnection provider connection string looks like this :
Provider=ADsDSOObject;Encrypt Password=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=NIS;Mode=Read;Bind Flags=0;ADSI Flag=-2147483648;
ADOConnection.LoginPrompt is set to true.
ADOQuery SQL Statement looks like this :
Select Description FROM 'LDAP://192.168.xxx.xxx/fn=Public Folders/[email protected]/fn=ContactRoot' WHERE objectClass='*'
I'm getting an error when opening the ADOQuery (translated from French) : "An non valid directory path was sent"
What is wrong here ? Is there any other free solution than ADO / Synapse ?
Thank you in advance