I have a website where in the category 'show' action a list of products is shown. I successfully paginate with the will_paginate plugin and made this work with page caching by configuring my routes like Sean Behan does: http://seanbehan.com/ruby-on-rails/how-to-use-pretty-urls-with-rails-will_paginate-plugin/.
But I would love to have users sort products. Currently I have a find in my controller like this:
if params[:sort_by] == "name_desc"
#@products = Product.find_with_index("%#{params[:search]}%", :order => 'productname desc').paginate :per_page => 15, :page => params[:page]
@products = Product.find_with_index('params[:search]')
And a simple link in my view:
<%= link_to image_tag("down.gif"), category_path(:sort_by=>"name") %> name<%= link_to image_tag("up.gif"), category_path(:sort_by=>"name_desc") %>
Not too elegant, uhh?
My Problem is, that way I pass a '?sort_by=name' in the URL which doesn't work with page caching.
Does anyone have an idea how I can do smarter sorting. I would really love to go on and cache pages.