I am not having the problem. I tested the outcome with the following:
Derived Test
public class DerivedTest : TestBase
public void FixtureSetup()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TestFixtureSetUp From DerivedTest{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void FixtureTearDown()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TestFixtureTearDown Down From DerivedTest{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void Setup()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("Setup From DerivedTest{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void Down()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TearDown From DerivedTest{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void DoATest()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("Did a Test{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public class TestBase
public void BaseTestFixtureSetUp()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TestFixtureSetUp From TestBase{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void BaseTestFixtureTearDown()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TestFixtureTearDown From TestBase{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void BaseSetup()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("Setup From TestBase{0}", Environment.NewLine));
public void TearDown()
File.AppendAllText("Out.txt", string.Format("TearDown From TestBase{0}", Environment.NewLine));
This produces the following output:
TestFixtureSetUp From TestBase
TestFixtureSetUp From DerivedTest
Setup From TestBase
Setup From DerivedTest
Did a Test
TearDown From DerivedTest
TearDown From TestBase
TestFixtureTearDown Down From DerivedTest
TestFixtureTearDown From TestBase
I am was able to test the output with ReSharper 5 beta and the Nunit GUI v (32-bit)
While at work the test runner in ReSharper 4.5 did not work properly, however running the built test project in x86 and x64 with the corresponding NUnit.exe/NUnit-86.exe produced valid output.