I have Concatenated in mySQL to produce a field that I can search with. This contains animal as well as owner names and addresses for a client database. I need to be able to search by animal name, owner names and postcode in any order. Thus if if my name is john smith and i own a dog called Fido and live in postcode AB1 2CD, I want the search to be yield results if any of the following are entered:
"john fido AB1" "john AB1" "AB1 john" "AB1 fido" "fido 2CD" "2CD" "fido" etc... i.e any of the fields in any order, and also not complete words either so "john fido AB1" should yield the same result as "jo fi AB1"
I currently have this PHP code, taking a single text field on my search page, exploding then imploding it to add % between the search terms:
$list = explode(' ',$_GET["q"]);
$q = implode('%%', $list);
if (!$q) return;
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT owner.AddressPrim, owner.PostcodePrim,
FROM owner
Inner Join patient ON owner.OwnerID = patient.OwnerID
WHERE CONCAT_WS(' ',owner.AddressPrim, owner.PostcodePrim,
owner.OwnerForenamesPrim,owner.OwnerSurnamePrim,patient.AnimalName) LIKE '%$q%'";
This works for "AB1 john" and "john fido" but not "fido john" as it is out of order in the concatenated field.
Any help greatly appreciated