I'd just like to clarify (given the example and what's being asked).
A jagged array is an array of arrays and is declared like so:
string[][] data = new string[3][];
data[0] = new string[] { "0,[0]", "0,[1]", "0,[2]" };
data[1] = new string[] { "1,[0]", "1,[1]", "1,[2]" ];
data[2] = new string[] { "2,[0]", "1,[1]", "1,[2]" };
Versus a rectangular array being defined as a single array that holds multiple dimensions:
string[,] data = new string[3,3];
data[0,0] = "0,0";
data[0,1] = "0,1";
data[0,2] = "0,2";
Because of this, a jagged array is IQueryable/IEnumerable because you can iterate over it to receive an array at each iteration. Whereas a rectangular array is not IQueryable/IEnumerable because elements are addressed in full dimension (0,0 0,1..etc) so you won't have the ability to use Linq or any predefined functions created for Array in that case.
Though you can iterate over the array once (and achieve what you want) like this:
/// INPUT: rowIndex, OUTPUT: An object[] of data for that row
int colLength = stringArray.GetLength(1);
object[] rowData = new object[colLength];
for (int col = 0; col < colLength; col++) {
rowData[col] = stringArray[rowIndex, col] as object;
return rowData;
/// INPUT: colIndex, OUTPUT: An object[] of data for that column
int rowLength = stringArray.GetLength(0);
object[] colData = new object[rowLength];
for (int row = 0; r < rowLength; row++) {
colData[row] = stringArray[row, colIndex] as object;
return colData;
Hope this helps :)