I'm not sure there is this exact situation in another question, so sorry if this a duplicate. I have a problem with the Category system I am using I have the following query (for example)
FROM tblStock
WHERE CategoryCode IN (
SELECT CategoryCode
FROM tblLookup
WHERE CategoryID = 'EG')
I need to do a partial match between the CategoryCode in tblLookup and the Category Code in tblStock - the query above returns full matches such as EG would have ETC and EGT as the Category codes returned however if the category is ETCE then this would not be found.
How could I modify the query so the results returned from:
SELECT CategoryCode
FROM tblLookup
WHERE CategoryID = 'EG'
Could be use for Partial Matching in tblStock, where the CategoryCodes returned are ETC and EGT but there are wildcard matches required also.