Hi, I'm using scaffolding for a couple of Controllers for two Domain Classes: 1 Sector to N Items:
class Item {
String name
static belongsTo = [sector:Sector]
class Sector {
String name
static hasMany = [items:Item]
When I generated the corresponding scaffolding controllers I used the pattern (class)mgr: Sectormgr.groovy and Itemmgr.groovy.
The problem is that some links are invalid in some of the generated views, for it is assuming the I followed the default names for the controllers. For instance:
- if I go to /sectormgr/show/20, the list of items associated with it have the link /item/show/22, instead of /itemmgr/show/22
Is there an easy fix for this? Am I missing something when I create the controllers ?
Thanks in advance