



Hi, I'm using scaffolding for a couple of Controllers for two Domain Classes: 1 Sector to N Items:

class Item {

String name

static belongsTo = [sector:Sector]



class Sector {

String name

static hasMany = [items:Item]



When I generated the corresponding scaffolding controllers I used the pattern (class)mgr: Sectormgr.groovy and Itemmgr.groovy.

The problem is that some links are invalid in some of the generated views, for it is assuming the I followed the default names for the controllers. For instance:

  • if I go to /sectormgr/show/20, the list of items associated with it have the link /item/show/22, instead of /itemmgr/show/22

Is there an easy fix for this? Am I missing something when I create the controllers ?

Thanks in advance


There's a couple ways to address this I believe. The simplest is to stick to Grails' convention of naming your controllers SectorController.groovy, ItemController.groovy, etc.

One other way to handle this that I think will work is to update your grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy. Here is the default scaffolding:

class UrlMappings {
    static mappings = {
            constraints {
                //apply constraints here

You want something like:

class UrlMappings {
    static mappings = {
        "/${controller}mgr/$action?/$id?"{  //Add mgr after controller
            constraints {
                //apply constraints here
Matt Lachman
I'm curious to find out if this works for you. Please let me know!
Matt Lachman

Changing the URLMappings didn't seem to work for me, and it's a much more global change. Running intall-templates and changing the links to controllers in src/templates/scaffolding/show.gsp was the approach I took.

You'll need to restart your server after changing the template.
